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Linear Regression in R

Linear Regression Example in R


In data analytics we come across the term “Regression” very frequently. Before we continue to focus topic i.e. “Linear Regression” lets first know what we mean by Regression. Regression is a statistical way to establish a relationship between a dependent variable and a set of independent variable(s). e.g., if we say that

Age = 5 + Height * 10 + Weight * 13

Here we are establishing a relationship between Height & Weight of a person with his/ Her Age. This is a very basic example of Regression.

Simple Linear Regression


Least Square “Linear Regression” is a statistical method to regress the data with dependent variable having continuous values whereas independent variables can have either continuous or categorical values. In other words “Linear Regression” is a method to predict dependent variable (Y) based on values of independent variables (X). It can be used for the cases where we want to predict some continuous quantity. E.g., Predicting traffic in a retail store, predicting a user’s dwell time or number of pages visited on etc.


To start with Linear Regression, you must be aware of a few basic concepts of statistics:

Normal distribution

Assumptions of Linear Regression:

Not a single size fits or all, the same is true for Linear Regression as well. In order to fit a linear regression line data should satisfy few basic but important assumptions. If your data doesn’t follow the assumptions, your results may be wrong as well as misleading.

  1. Linearity & Additive: There should be a linear relationship between dependent and independent variables and the impact of change in independent variable values should have additive impact on dependent variable.
  2. Normality of error distribution: Distribution of differences between Actual & Predicted values (Residuals) should be normally distributed.
  3. Homoscedasticity: Variance of errors should be constant versus,
  1. Statistical independence of errors: The error terms (residuals) should not have any correlation among themselves. E.g., In case of time series data there shouldn’t be any correlation between consecutive error terms

There are several types of linear regression analyses available to researchers.

A. Simple linear regression
B. Multiple linear regression
C. Logistic regression
D. Ordinal regression
E.Multinominal regression
F. Discriminant analysis

When selecting the model for the analysis, an important consideration is model fitting. Adding independent variables to a linear regression model will always increase the explained variance of the model (typically expressed as R²). However, overfitting can occur by adding too many variables to the model, which reduces model generalizability. Occam’s razor describes the problem extremely well – a simple model is usually preferable to a more complex model. Statistically, if a model includes a large number of variables, some of the variables will be statistically significant due to chance alone.